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Joomla Cloner v1.9.2 PHP script Nulled !!
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The JoomlaCloner design was specifically created to generate custom backups of any Joomla site through custom admin inputs, and be able to restore the clone on any other location with the help of an automatic restore script we provide, independent from the component!
Frontend Features:
- Share custom backups with your users
- Users have the possibility to automatically transfer the custom clone to their host by using a simple ftp form
- Users can automatically restore the transfered clone by using the provided restore script we provide and which we transfer automatically among with the clone
Backend Features:
- Create full or partial backups based on your input
- Create ZIP or TAR backups based on your configuration input
- Posibility to exclude components, modules, mambots from your generated clone
- Posibility to exclude directory and files from the backup, manually or through cron settings(AJAX powered)
- Create backups based on a cron task, created backups can be stored on the local server, remotely through ftp or emailed to a custom email account
- Ability to manage existing backups, rename/delete/move, publish to user frontend for sharing
- Posibility to clone any backup to another location, it can be done automatically by using the server ftp function or manually
- Configuration area lets you choose on how to generate backups based on your server possibilities
- You can choose to create backups by using only PHP, or by also using some server utilities to speed things up
Restore Features:
- The generated clone of JoomlaCloner can be restored on a totally different server, with new server and mysql details
- Restore both ZIP or TAR archives
- Restore script is independent from the main component and Joomla and can be run on any host
- Full restore of a clone made with JoomlaCloner
- Ability to restore the original files and directories permissions
- Automatic re-write of the new host settings to the configuration file
- Ability to import the clone using either a ftp simulated sessions, or direct restore through php
- Posibility to exclude database from importing
- Ability to restore multiple clones to different locations
