Paul Muolo.jpeg

Paul Muolo.jpeg
Rozmiar 34 KB
This book in great detail tells the tale of the subprime bottom feeders and their links to equally greedy and bottom feeders on Wall Street. It’s easy to read, and you start to understand how these loans were made– quickly and without much regard to whether people could actually repay them. I would have liked to see the “chain” completed, however. We don’t hear much about the home buyers and what they did or what happened to them–were they all deadbeats, as some say, or hapless naifs? And, at the other end, what were regulators doing? Surely, they must have had some thoughts about what was going on. I know at the time that consumer groups were screaming their heads off, and a few state legislatures tried to pass better regulations–but they were pre-empted from implementing them by the Office of Thrift Supervision an the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Of course, if the authors had covered all that, their book would have been bigger than the phone book, and they would still be writing. All in all, though, I thought it was riveting.